Frequently Asked Questions

  • iMatchSport uses a complex algorithm that takes into account various factors for example, player preferences, skill level, and location, and matches them with appropriate clubs, and vise versa.

  • When you sign up with us the minimum terms is 12 months and that’s why we have kept the subscription fee low.

  • You will be given options to connect with the member via a messaging service.

  • Players are FREE and clubs fees are tiered based on the level of sport. Check out our members page on the menu for more information.

  • While the launch has focused on rugby other sports codes will be added very soon. Follow us on social media to hear when. You can also vote for the next sports code you would like to see using the feedback form at the top of the FAQ page.

  • iMatchSport follows strict data protection regulations and takes various measures to ensure the privacy and security of user data.

  • No way, iMatchSports is designed to make the important connections. Agents are still able to work with players outside the system as they do today.

  • They sure can, and once registered an agents can be referred to a play should that player need some agent support. This part of the system is still being developed and we will keep you updated.

  • We support sports players, from school leavers to club level and professional players. Social, Amateur, Semi Professional and Professional.

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Our advanced matching algorithms ensure you will find the right fit for your future.